Living Landscapes: Exploring Neolithic Ireland and its Wider Concept

A Conference at Queen's University Belfast
31st May - 1st June 2007

Organisers: Nicki J. Whitehouse¹, Rick Schulting² and Meriel McClatchie³

¹ Archaeology and Palaeoecology, School of Geography, Archaeology and Palaeoecology, Queen’s University Belfast, Belfast, BT7 1NN. Email:
² School of Archaeology, University of Oxford. 36 Beaumont Street, Oxford, OX1 2PG. Email:
³ Institute of Archaeology, University College London, 31-34 Gordon Square, London WC1H 0PY. Email:

The links below are to extended abstracts provided by the authors.

Rick Schulting and Nicki Whitehouse — Living Landscapes: An Introduction

Alison Sheridan — Latest thoughts on the Mesolithic-Neolithic transition in Ireland and Britain: a tale of French connections

Lydia Zapata and Alfonso Alday — The Early Neolithic in Northern Iberia

Sue College and James Connolly — The development and spread of Neolithic crop based agriculture from southwest Asia to northwest Europe

Amy Bogaard — Assessing the nature and role of Neolithic cultivation in central Europe and Britain

Meriel McClachtie — Cultivating Societies: assessing the evidence for cereal remains in Ireland

Richard Tipping, Althea Davies, Hilary Murray, Jane Bunting and Sandra Winterbottom — Special Places for Special Foods? Cereal Cultivation around an early Neolithic Timber Hall at Warren Field, Crathes, Eastern Scotland

Erika B.A. Guttmann — Geoarchaeology in the Céide Fields: assessing the nature and intensity of Neolithic land use

Conor Brady — A Landscape Survey of the Newgrange Environs: earlier prehistoric settlement at Brú na Bóinne, Co. Meath

Michael O’Connell, Karen Molloy and Anette Overland — New Perspectives on Neolithic Impact in Ireland

John Ó’Néill — Some thoughts on wild mammal ecology in Neolithic Ireland

Richard P. Evershed — Lipids as carriers of anthropogenic signals from prehistory

Finbar McCormick — Cattle and ritual in early Neolithic Ireland

Jessica Smyth —“Our Hidden Neolithic? Following the paper trail...”

Niall Roycroft — Neolithic salmon or beef?

Cormac McSparron —Irish Rectangular Neolithic Houses – a short-lived phenomenon?

Gordon Noble — Living Landscapes: Woodscapes in the Neolithic of Northwest Europe

Gabriel Cooney — Working with stone, making Neolithic landscapes

The organisers gratefully acknowledge the National Roads Authority (Republic of Ireland), the School of Geography, Archaeology and Palaeoecology (Queen’s University Belfast) for supporting the meeting, and the Institute of Archaeology (University of Oxford) for hosting the website.Rick Schulting and Nicki Whitehouse — Living Landscapes: An Introduction

School of Archaeology > Research Projects > Living Landscapes – Exploring Neolithic Ireland and its Broader Context